
Describe the character in terms of how heshe has always

Assignment: Character Description

You will write 200 words describing a character. The character can be a person or an animal.

1) Choose one character image

2) Fill in the worksheet

3) Use the vocabulary help words and write 200 words describing your character.

This is how you can start writing your description:

1. Start with the character's age: "At - years old, So-and-so did (did not) ."

2. Describe the character in terms of how he/she has always been: "He was still "

3. But then add a recent change: "But (some new thing) made her ."

4. Describe the affect this change has on the character: "As a result..."

5. Describe the world from the character's POV. Given the recent change, how does the character see the world? What does the character notice or do?

The idea is to move beyond basic physicality or mentality (short, tall, skinny, fat, smart, dumb, happy, sad) to a sense of interaction with the world. This means creating pressure on both sides: the pressure the world applies to the character and the way the character pushes back.

Character Description Checklist:

- The character's name, age, brief physical description and context

- Information about the character's behaviour (What he/she says, does, thinks and acts)

- The character's personality traits. Choose two or three key characteristics to focus on, especially unusual ones (e.g. eye colour probably isn't worth mentioning unless it's fairly striking, or unless one character is staring into another's eyes...)

- SHOW (DON'T TELL) details in sentences or thoughts. Show your character using: description, actions, conversations, unspoken thoughts.

- Determine the point of view (the voice from which to observe the person)

- With any kind of description, word choices matter a lot. There's a huge tonal difference between "long yellow hair" and "flowing blond hair" and "long golden locks" ... even though all of those could describe exactly the same thing.

- Use proper sentence structure and a variety of sentences

- Carefully choose the best words to describe the character

Character Description Worksheet:
Profession: What is he/she do (dancer, pirate, orange seller etc):

Physical Qualities are a part of any person. Include descriptions of facial features; outstanding or unusual features (large nose, long hair, etc.): body type; how they dress. Does how they look influence the kind of person they are?

What are 4 of your character'sinterests / hobbies (movies, books, dancing, music, acorns etc)?Make up things that sound like your character would like.

Psychological aspects of your character are also very important. Are they a worrier, paranoid, painfully shy, open and outgoing, natural leader...? How do you know this?

How do others react to your character? What does that show you about them? Do they have friends/enemies?

Write two strengths of your character

Write two weaknesses of your character

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Dissertation: Describe the character in terms of how heshe has always
Reference No:- TGS02734986

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