Problem 1: Compare your results in the two areas with those of your classmates. Describe the trends you observe in the combined data.
Problem 2: Compare the species richness, species diversity, and species evenness in the two areas. Describe two factors you think could account for the differences in species richness/diversity/evenness in the two areas.
Problem 3: Identify the area in which your group collected data and describe the limitations of the procedure you used to gather data. Consider sample size, randomness, difficulty sampling near the school, and other potential issues. Explain how the experimental procedure could be modified to improve the results.
Problem 4: Consider information provided by each of the three indices you calculated (species richness, Shannon Diversity Index, species evenness). Explain why it is important to consider all three to gain an understanding of the health of an ecosystem.
Problem 5: Describe the changes you might see in an ecosystem after a flood, and explain how those changes could affect the species richness, evenness, and diversity of the ecosystem.