
Describe the changes that occur in the nephron

Q1. Describe the changes that occur in the nephron during acute glomerulonephritis: please discuss both mild and severe forms.

Q2. Describe what occurs during acute renal failure.

Q3. Discuss the etiology of phyelonepl'iritis.

Q4. Discuss how kidney stones form.

Q5. List some possible causes of hydronephrosis.

Q6. Discuss and describe polycystic kidney disease.

Q7. Discuss etiology of renal cell carcinoma including what the most common form of familial form.

Q8. Discuss several risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases.

Q9. Why is Chlamydia sometimes called the silent STD; also discuss differences of symptoms between men and women.

Q10. Discuss why and how infants are protected from gonorrhea during birth.

Q11. Discuss signs and symptoms of testicular torsion and why is this condition considered a medical emergency.

Q12. Discuss common signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertension, and how is this condition diagnosed. 13. Compare and contrast primary vs. secondary amenorrhea. (be sure to discuss differences of etiologies)

Q14. Discuss why early and effective treatment of pelvic in?ammatory disease is important.

Q15. Which gynecologic cancer accounts for more deaths than any other type.

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Other Subject: Describe the changes that occur in the nephron
Reference No:- TGS03243294

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