
Describe the challenges the diabetic patients may face

Problem: Integrate the five domains of quality to positively impact the provision of healthcare.

Patients with chronic diseases or conditions may require multiple visits within the healthcare system, whether that is office visits, lab services, surgery, therapy or other care. Integrate the five domains of quality with the care of a hypothetical Diabetic patient to positively impact the provision of healthcare.

Prioritizes the domains to determine needs assessment. Describe each of the following five domains of quality improvement in a healthcare environment:

  • Access
  • Structure
  • Process
  • Outcome
  • Patient experience

Discuss a diabetic patient who would be required to visit a healthcare facility on a regular basis. Describes current standard of care for diabetic patients.

Describe the challenges these diabetic patients may face in relation to the five domains of quality improvement (under-insured, improper discharge, poor customer service, etc).

Using your example of diabetic patients, discuss how quality could be improved in each of the five domains (Decreased wait time, Continuity of care, Improved patient/provider communication, etc).

Describes how this patient's healthcare experience will be enhanced by adapting improved methods in 5 domains of quality.

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Other Subject: Describe the challenges the diabetic patients may face
Reference No:- TGS03323580

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