
Describe the best policy to deal with this issue your

Question: Unit 3. Should US immigration be limited?

1. Provide a brief (one paragraph) overview of this week's material.

2. Using the sites below identify the single most critical issue in the immigration debate for the US economy? Why is this issue more important than any other?

3. Describe the best policy to deal with this issue? (Your policy does not need to be the same as the policies described at the web sites. It may be different or a combination of policies they recommend.)

The link below is to an article on The Center for Immigration Studies website. The article discusses the large number of low-skill immigrants coming into the US and the costs that arise.

This link is to editorials posted by The National Immigration Forum, and discusses the benefits to the US from immigrants.

This next link is from The American Prospect, and discusses a call for a more radical immigrant rights movement.

Lastly, this link is from The American Prospect, and defends the current migrant worker.

Your final product will be a paper that:

· Addresses each of the topic/questions above in total.

· Is APA fortatted.

· The body is to be 2 pages minimum.

The requirements for your assignment are:

1. Answer each question fully

2. Define the overall subject of each question.

3. Cite at least three (3) resources from this week's materials.

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Dissertation: Describe the best policy to deal with this issue your
Reference No:- TGS02910049

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