
Describe the benefits of variable costing methods used for

Discussion #1

Describe the benefits of variable costing methods used for internal reporting purposes. Also why isn't variable costing used for external reporting purposes? Should it be allowed? Why or why not?

Discussion #2

After reading Kynclová's article on Constructing Mestiza Consciousness share your thoughts on how Mestiza consciousness and the borderlands play into the literature we explored this week.

Discussion expectations defined: You will be asked to select a quote from the reading to incorporate in your first discussion post. This means that you will also include an in-text citation and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X). Your post should be a substantial response to this week's question in order to receive full credit.

Discussion #3

Create a short bio, a page to a page and a half, on the author of your course project novel and post to the discussion thread. What are the main themes in their work?

Once complete, please post this to the Discussion Forum for peer review.

For Peer Review, you will copy and paste your work to the posting window, include APA formatting on quotes (2 minimum), and include a photo of your author or a link to a website you enjoyed. Then, you will be sure to respond to two other bio postings.

Use the sandwich feedback method to review each other's material:

1. Mention something positive about the profile.

2. Critique what you might add or would like to learn more about this material,

3. Mention something positive again.

Please note that this material is for background. This should not become a major part of your paper. The background of your author represents an opportunity for you to get to know them and for our understanding of their work.

Discussion expectations defined: You will be asked to select a quote from the reading to incorporate in your first discussion post. This means that you will also include an in-text citation and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X). Your post should be a substantial response to this week's question in order to receive full credit.

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Dissertation: Describe the benefits of variable costing methods used for
Reference No:- TGS01421113

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