Describe the behavioral and psychological issues

    • Please follow guideline need an outline for this, Also I will be posting another assignment pertaining to this outline, whoever does the ouline will have to do the paper. It will be titled Indiviual Project 4. Thanks
    • For this assignment, you will write a formal paper on a person with an untreated addiction who is in the critical stage. You will be creating the scenario yourself.
    • You will choose the following with regard to your paper's scenario:
      • Drug of choice
      • Gender
      • Age
      • Culture
      • Religion
      • Ethnicity
    • Describe the person's family system:
      • Is he or she married, single, divorced, or widowed?
      • Does he or she have children? If so, how many and what ages and genders?
      • Is this a mixed family, blended family, or traditional family?
    • Describe the behavioral and psychological issues related to the health, family, financial, social, and legal problems associated with this person's addiction.
    • Once the scenario is complete with the above information, address the following questions:
      • What will be your plan of action to treat the individual from the scenario?
        • Since he or she is critical, what do you need to do first? Explain.
        • What resources might be available for this person and his or her family to work through to stability? Explain.
        • Explain the process from stabilizing this particular crisis to ongoing measures taken to maintain the individual's stability.
        • What treatment plan would you use to identify the type of treatment you believe is best in this case? Explain.
    • Conclude your report with a summary of why you think this is the best treatment for this person in the context of all of the issues described in your scenario.
  • You are required to use at least five (5) legitimate scholarly sources.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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Business Law and Ethics: Describe the behavioral and psychological issues
Reference No:- TGS0542630

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