Problem: Is there anymore - Describe the basic steps to policy analysis. Evaluate the similarities and differences between the research design process and the policy analysis process. Similarities and Differences with Research Design Process: • Similarities: Both procedures include taking a methodical approach to the resolution of issues and the formulation of decisions. Clearly defining the problem, collecting data, and doing analysis are all necessary steps. The purpose of both methods is to arrive at findings or suggestions that are supported by evidence. • Differences: Tests of hypotheses and the gathering of data are common components of the study design process, which is largely cantered on the generation of new information or understanding via the use of scientific procedures. Policy analysis, on the other hand, is more applied and focuses on analysing the information that is already available to provide suggestions for action that are realistic. On the other hand, policy analysis places a greater emphasis on practical application and influence on stakeholders, whereas research design frequently places an emphasis on methodological rigor and theoretical contribution.