
Describe the basic physiology of asthma - understanding of

Assessment and Therapeutics in Healthcare

An important aspect of primary care is in the promotion of good health maintenance through education. In this assignment we want you start to explore the concept of nursing education, and in particular, in relation to your case study.

The assignment has three parts: the first requires you to demonstrate an understanding of asthma; the second part you need to examine the generic principles of healthcare teaching and learning; and the third asks you to apply these principles to the case study in the form of a critique of a health education pamphlet.

Part 1: Asthma

In this section, you need to accurately describe the basic physiology of asthma.

• You will need to show you have an understanding of two physiological processes of Asthma.
• You will also need to show you understand how asthma effects patients physical functioning with reference to Joseph.

Part 2: Principles of Health Teaching and Learning

In this section, you are required to discuss four principles for effective health teaching and learning.

The four health teaching and learning principles you will need to discuss are:
1. The individuals' expectation of learning and learning needs
2. The participants' motivation to learn
3. The individuals' ability to learn
4. The use of teaching resources to engage the individual in learning

• You will need to show an understanding of why each principle is important in health teaching and learning and how each principle is important for Joseph's education in particular.

• In your literature searching you should refer to your two prescribed textbooks in the sections which relate to client education and health education.

Part 3: Application of health teaching and learning principles to published health education pamphlet

In this section you need to apply the principles you have discussed in Part 2 to assess the appropriateness of the information which is available to individuals in the community.

• You will firstly need to find an educational pamphlet which is appropriate to and targets Joseph's health education needs. You can approach your local GP surgery or healthcare centre, use national websites with reputable published education pamphlet or see what is available at your health club or gym.

• Secondly, you will need to describe how your chosen published educational pamphlet addresses the principles you have discussed in Part 2 in relation to Joseph. You will need to justify your answers.

Written expression

• Expression is clear and succinct. The paper has a logical sequence.
• The assignment is written in full paragraphs
• Spelling and grammar are correct
• Terminology is used correctly


• Appropriate number of references are used
• Appropriate referencing material is used
• Referencing style is used correctly

Important notes for the assignment:


Nursing at UTS has specific guidelines on presenting assignments. For this assignment you will need to follow the following style guide:
1. Font must be Arial 11pt minimum
2. Lines must be at least 1.5 spaced
3. Margins must be 2.5cm
4. The reference list needs to be a new page in the assignment

Answers to each question must be in full paragraph form. You may use headings where appropriate, before each learning principle.

• Do not reference lecture notes or quote your lecturer or lab tutor conversations.
• Do not write in first person
• Do not use dot points
• Make sure you understand and actively reference ‘in text' using UTS Harvard Style. Get the style guide and learn how to do this.
• Avoid the use of direct quotes as much as possible - always paraphrase into your own words.

Word Limit: 1500 words

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Biology: Describe the basic physiology of asthma - understanding of
Reference No:- TGS01363389

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