Assignment:: Property Law
Create a 5 to 7 pages that includes the following information about the topic:
1. Basic legal principles in the area of law
2. Major historical cases
3. Current Issue (opportunity to explore a recent new law, court case, legal question, etc. pertaining to the area of law that is of interest to you)
While I want you, as writers/presenters, to become experts in order to answer peer questions based on your paper, you will not be able to incorporate all of the information that you find. This is a broad strokes introduction to your assigned topic of law. Your ORIGINAL paper should contain the major highlights of the area of law with an analysis of a specific/current aspect of your assigned type of law that is most interesting to you. As a starting place, I have provided reading materials for each topic.
Please Note: You will need to do some additional research, in order to discuss a current issue, especially. I have also provided a few resource links in angel that may be useful.
Paper Writing Check-List:
? Do you have an introduction that makes sense for the assignment and leads to your thesis statement?
? Do you have a clear thesis?
? Do you have paragraphs?
? Does each paragraph enhance and further your argument? If not, take away or rewrite
? Does your paper flow well? If not, work on transition sentences or reorganize.
? Does each example relate to the argument?
? Have you explicitly explained how each argument relates to the argument?
? Do you have a concluding paragraph that summarizes the major points of the argument?
? Have you included proper in text citations and a bibliography?
oWhen in doubt about whether the information is general knowledge or not, use an in text citation.
oWhen paraphrasing, make sure your words are not too close to the original text. This is plagiarism.
? Have you PROOFREAD your paper to make sure it does not contain typos, spelling errors or incorrect words, or run-on sentences or fragments? Do your sentences make sense?
? Have you directly answered ALL of the questions assigned?
? Have you followed the guidelines described in the assignment sheet?
oSINGLE SPACED Heading (Name, Date, Course, Assignment)
o5 to 7 double spaced pages (plus works cited) (no extra spaces between paragraphs)
oIncluded page numbers
oUsed Times New Roman 12
oMargins of 1 inch
? Are your sources appropriate academic sources of information?
oWikipedia is good for finding other sources, but sometimes contains inaccurate information. It is NOT appropriate to cite in an academic paper.
oCliff notes, book rags, etc. can be useful to you for understanding complex information BUT they should not be used as resources for academic papers. FIND OTHER SOURCES.