
Describe the basic economic theory


In your write up you must describe the basic economic theory that guides your work. In other words, you must describe the hypothesized relationships between your dependent variable and the key independent variable(population) or variables in your paper. You must also describe the way that your independent variable would cause your dependent variable. Or if your variable is not directly causal you must give the causal chain that links the two variables.

The theoretical links between two variables can be generally described in terms of how they influence either the supply and/or demand of the variable in question; and then how that influences the price of the good. For example, if you are looking at real estate prices, you must discuss those factors that determined the demand for housing, and the supply of houses put on the market, and how the price gets set by these factors. If you are focusing on wages you need to discus the factors that determine the supply and demand for labor and how they generate an equilibrium wage.

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Microeconomics: Describe the basic economic theory
Reference No:- TGS02949746

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