Describe the background and problem necessitating proposal

Problem: Feasibility Report

Feasibility reports examine the practicality and advisability of following a course of action. For example, your company must decide whether to add a child-care facility. You will need to do research and use primary and secondary sources of information to complete your feasibility study. Here are the requirements/deliverables for the feasibility study. Content: You should provide the following elements in your feasibility study: Letter or memo of transmittal.

o This document should be addressed to whomever you are trying to persuade, for example, a supervisor, a landlord, or a person in authority. Main report

o This should be the main body of your report.

o Begin by announcing your decision immediately.

o Describe the background and problem necessitating the proposal.

o Discuss the benefits of the proposal.

o Describe any problems that may result.

o Calculate the costs associated with the proposal, if appropriate.

o Show the time frame necessary for the implementation of the proposal.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Describe the background and problem necessitating proposal
Reference No:- TGS03162333

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