Country Spouse Smoked Cases / Controls
Japan No 21 / 82
Yes 73 / 188
Great Britain No 5 / 16
Yes 19 / 38
United States No 71 / 249
Yes 137 / 363
a. Describe the associations in the partial tables. Are results similar among countries?
b. Perform a test that the true odds ratio between passive smoking and lung cancer is the same for each study.
c. Assume that the true odds ratio between passive smoking and lung cancer is the same for each study, estimate its value and find a 95% confidence interval.
d. Test the hypothesis that having lung cancer is independent of passive smoking, controlling for country. Report the P-value and interpret.
e. What is the marginal odds ratio between passive smoking and lung cancer ignoring country origins? Perform a test of the marginal independence between passive smoking and lung cancer.