Spend some thoughtful time reflecting upon where you are, where you have been, and where you want to be related to volunteerism and your participation in making a difference in your community. You may want to look carefully at some of the following:
- the real feelings you have about volunteering
- how you feel about working directly with people
- what you liked or did not like about your volunteer experience and the agency or program
- what you actually received from volunteering
- what you think you contributed and the difference you made
- the commitment you will or will not make to volunteering throughout your life
- what you would like to have done better
- other places and other ways you think you might make a difference
- the entire idea of volunteering as an idea for strengthening communities and helping people
- anything else
Your might ask yourself other questions: What am I passionate about and what are you going to do about it during the rest of my life? Who will I tell about this passion? What do I propose to actually do? Who will I encourage to join me? What will be the hopeful outcome? What will be my contributions and rewards?