You ill create a lesson plan to teach a fundamental skill for an early childhood physical education class (Prek to 3 rd grade). You will revise and to this lesson plan. To create your lesson plan start by reviewing and assessing tht the skill(s) in your lesson plan are developmentally appropriate by visiting National PE Standards website.
Your lesson plan should include the following
Title Page
Section 1: Lesson Information
Identify the follwoing:
- Grade level (specify what age/grade)
- estimate level of developmental stage for this age/grade
- Fundamental skill to be taught
- State standard (see the list of National PE Standards and indicate which State) I live in NC if this helps
Section 2: Lesson Introduction
- Provide a brief description of the lesson
- Create a student learning objective (e.g. "As result of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate_________________".)
- Describe your system for classroom management and student grouping (e.g. class rules, consequences, rewards, and organizations of the class during the activity)
- Describe the equipment needed and the environment (e.g. classroom, gym, outdoors, etc)
Reference Page Include one outside reference
Additional Planning Resources: When researching lesson plans, the following resources are helpful. These should be used as resources only and should not be copied and pasted (Turntin will detect any plagiarism)
a. Foundations of Moving and learning
- Planning Physical Education lesson
- Appendix A-Sample lesson plans
- Appendix B-Sample lesson plans
b. Mr. Gym
c. PE Central