
Describe sutainability and csr in detail of information


Describe sutainability and CSR in detail of the given information below.

Case study:

Since its founding in 2007, Cox Conserves, Cox Enterprises' national sustainability program, has driven positive environmental change on a large scale in our company and our communities. Our enterprise-wide goals are to send zero waste to landfill by 2024, and to be both carbon and water neutral by 2034. With more than $100 million invested in sustainability and conservation projects, we're on track.

Protecting the planet on a broad scale requires dedication and collaboration. We partner with national environmental groups and actively support local environmental organizations across the country. Through employee volunteerism and by funding grants and donations, we're committed to making an impact across our footprint.

We strive to think globally while acting locally with clean energy projects such as our solar fields in Southern Nevada, which are producing power and reducing the amount of carbons being released into the environment, and our innovative electronics recycling program in Arizona that is keeping tons of material out of landfills while also providing a funding mechanism for our communities.

The New River Energy Facility in Beckley, West Virginia, is just one of hundreds of projects driving conservation. Since 2017, we've captured landfill gas, and transformed it into renewable energy.

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Business Management: Describe sutainability and csr in detail of information
Reference No:- TGS03354084

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