Describe story of a dystopian world

Assignment Task:

Note: Please write an essay for me and don't forget to add quotations and cite them please and also use coordination and subordination please and provide a work cited page and at the end write an essay reflection too thanks you so much.


To give you one more opportunity to develop a thesis and support it with evidence from a text as well as your own observations.

To allow you to show me that you have learned how to introduce quotations and cite them.

To allow you to show that you have become comfortable using coordination, subordination, and noun phrase appositives to help increase your sentence variety.

Essay Topic

In Ready Player One, Ernest Cline offers us a story of a dystopian world. Although it is set in mid Twenty-first Century, it is impossible to ignore the parallels of Wade's world with our own.

Write an essay in which you identify and analyze one or more features of the world Cline creates that seem to be based on conditions and events in our own current world. Are these features too exaggerated to be believable? In what ways can we look more closely at our own world because of the world in Cline's novel?

Your answers to these questions will help you formulate your thesis for this essay.

As always, your essay needs:

An interesting title that reflects something major in your essay.

A clear, arguable thesis at the end of your first paragraph.

Developed body paragraphs that stay focused on one topic clearly related to the thesis.

Lots of evidence from the book, quotes and paraphrases, that support your claims.

Analysis of quotations. (Review the Writing Center tutorial on Using Quotations if you need help with this.)

A conclusion that answers the So What? question and explains the value of reading this novel.

A Work(s) Cited page at the end of the essay. (It's fine if the novel itself is the only Work Cited entry.)

Remember to:

Avoid summarizing the book. We've all read it.

Introduce quotations.

Use coordination, subordination, and noun phrase appositives to increase sentence variety.


3-4 pages, plus Works Cited page

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