
Describe sternbergs triarchic theory of love and explain

Final essay exam:

Directions: You will need to answer 6 of the 8 questions below. You may work with a partner, just make sure to clearly note when you upload your answers who you are working with.

You must provide your sources when answering the questions. If you use information from our class lecture, you may note that you got this information in class.

However, most of your citations should be from the text book, other materials I posted on-line, or your own research you conducted to answer the questions. You must use in-text citations (as we discussed in class) as well as list the sources that you used for each question.

Each question Should be 2-3 paragraphs in length (about 1 page).

1. Describe Sternberg's Triarchic theory of love and explain three key points from the video "How we will love" and related them to the theory. Lastly, how does young adult identity development influence their ability to build strong relationships?

2. Describe the adolescent brain. What are 3 main ways it is developing? Next, describe the statistics on teenage suicide. Who is the most vulnerable and what can we do to help?

3. Describe Constructive Developmental Theory "CDT" (Kegan; Drago-Severson). How does this theory relate to young adult development? What are some ways you can work on getting closer to being a self-transformational knower?

4. Describe the two main eating disorders we discussed in class. Look up the latest statistics and note what percent of women and men suffer in the USA from one of these eating disorders. What countries are on the rise, and why? What are three things we can do as a society to lesson the probability of someone suffering from an eating disorder.

5. Describe the activity theory of ageing. How does multigenerational relationships support seniors as they age? Find a similar program in the USA to the Finland "students living with seniors" and the "Young musicians" program we discussed in class. Summarize the program you found and explain what you like about it and describe any ideas you have for making it even better.

6. What is the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease? Describe what happens to the brain and body for people with Alzheimer's. Lastly, what can you do to help prevent Alzheimer's and/or prepare yourself for it? Give three key points.

7. Summarize 3 key points on seniors dealing with loneliness. Why is it such a big issue and why is it on the rise in the USA? How does loneliness relate to depression? How do you know if someone is suffering from clinical depression vs being sad?

8. Describe the wellness continuum (from health and well being on one end to death on the other). What are the main factors that make up total wellness? How does making sure you are healthy and well relate to self-esteem development? Lastly. describe the two main coping mechanisms we can use to solve our life issues and manage stress effectively.

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Dissertation: Describe sternbergs triarchic theory of love and explain
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