
Describe some of your personality traits


Adler believed that your birth order determines, to a large extent, your personality.  He stated that your traits reflect, somehow, how you have achieved a sense of superiority.  He found that first-borns tend to be the most accomplished academically and financially.  The last-borns are the most social and popular and the middle ones are often either "troublemakers" or "peacekeepers." Only children, he said, often feel more comfortable around adults than people their own age.  In this assignment, you will examine what you know about Adler's notions of personality and analyze the accuracy of his way of thinking.  Instructions:  Please answer the following questions about yourself or someone you know well:  • What is your birth order in your family (e.g. only child, the youngest, the middle, etc.)? • Describe some of your personality traits, between three and five. • Read the article, A Review of 200 Birth-Order Studies: Lifestyle Characteristics. o This is an article that reviews many studies about birth order characteristics in people over many studies. The results can be difficult to comprehend as there are so many findings but look at tables 1, 2 and 3 to get an overview of how first-borns, middle children and last-borns are found to differ. The higher a trait is on the chart, the more frequently a study found it to be a significant personality factor so focus on the top 4 or so traits on each list. • Explain how accurate the article is for you or, someone you know.    Requirements:  • The body of the paper should be 1-2 pages in length, double spaced, with additional title and reference pages • The document should conform to APA format, including in-text citations for referenced works. • Use this resource: Eckstein, D., Aycock, K. J., Sperber, M. A., McDonald, J., Van Wiesner III, V., Watts, R. E., & Ginsburg, P. (2010). A review of 200 birth-order studies: Lifestyle characteristics. Journal of Individual Psychology, 66(4), 408-434. 


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