
Describe some of the implications of skinners operant

Read about Twin Oaks--a community modeled after Skinner's novel, Walden Two, and watch this short news clip about the community as well. There is also a reprinted Washington Post article, "The Other American Dream" (The Other American Dream) that describes life within the community. Additionally, you may want to check out the Twin Oaks website. After reading about the community and watching the short video, answer the following questions and label your responses #1-5!

You can submit your assignment here (HINT: IF YOU DON'T SEE THE TEXT BOX, THEN CLICK ON THE ASSIGNMENT HEADING TO OPEN IT UP!!). Be sure to cite your sources.

1) Why did behaviorism have such popular appeal? Explain. Be specific and thorough.

2) The following is a quote from Walden Two (by Frazier): "By a wise choice of techniques, we increase the feeling of freedom". What do you think this could mean? Give an example of how a person might feel free but still be controlled. Additionally, give an example of how our behavior is being controlled in today's society. Be specific and thorough.

3) Outline the strengths of behaviorism, as perceived in Watson's time, and outline the limitations of behaviorism as a psychological perspective. Be specific and thorough.

4) Describe some of the implications of Skinner's operant conditioning approach, and why they may have seemed sinister to some, yet hopeful and useful to others. Be specific and thorough.

5) In your opinion, is Twin Oaks a successful example of Skinner's applied behavioral analysis approach? Why or why not? Also, do you think Skinner would have liked Twin Oaks? Why or why not? Defend your answer and explain your rationale!!! Be specific and thorough.

Additional Guidelines

-You should include an APA-formatted references section for this assignment. Be sure to list outside sources as well as the book and materials provided. Also, you need to include APA-formatted, in-text citations. All ideas taken from any source MUST have a citation!!!! If you discuss the definition of behaviorism--you need a citation. If you discuss a detail about Twin Oaks--you need a citation. If you discuss Skinner's work, you need a citation!!

Please keep in mind that responses should be thoughtful, complete, and thorough. Answers that are not thoughtful, complete, and thorough will not receive the full possible point-value.** DON'T FORGET TO LABEL EACH ANSWER 1-5!!

Grading Rubric
Excellent (55-60 points)

The submitted assignment fully addressed all questions, was in-depth, demonstrated understanding of content, and was well-written with few or no spelling/grammatical errors. Also, responses were labeled with appropriate numbers. APA-formatted citations and references were included.

Good (49-54 points)

Addressed all question(s), lacked some depth/detail, demonstrated understanding of content, and was well-written with few spelling/grammatical errors. Also, responses were labeled. APA-formatted citations and references were included.

Average (43-48)

Mostly addressed the question(s), lacked depth/detail, incorporated some understanding of content. Responses were labeled. Had several spelling/grammatical errors. APA-formatted citations and references were included.

Needs Improvement (1-42)

Did not answer multiple question(s), was not in-depth, lacked detail, demonstrated little understanding of content, had several spelling/grammatical and/or editorial errors. Obvious spelling/grammatical errors impeded understanding. Did not properly label items. APA-formatted citations and references were included.

No grade (0)

Did not submit assignment, submitted assignment but did not answer any of the required items, or did not include APA-formatted citations and/or references.

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Dissertation: Describe some of the implications of skinners operant
Reference No:- TGS01495941

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