Describe some of data collection and data analysis methods

Discussion Board: Research Methods

Compare and contrast characteristics of qualitative and quantitative research approaches, including such aspects as sample size and type of data. Briefly explain the difference between experimental and non-experimental research.

Sources for this part of the post can be found in the Research Methods research guide list of suggested articles. (PROVIDED ONE IN ATTACHMENTS). Become an expert on your assigned category of research so you can explain it to others.

In your post,

a) Explain the characteristics and purposes that define the research category. (EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH)

b) Briefly describe some of the data collection and data analysis methods that are used in this type of research.

c) Mention one or more of the specific research designs that fall into your category.

d) Suggest a research topic for which this type of research would be suitable.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Describe some of data collection and data analysis methods
Reference No:- TGS03067591

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