
Describe social stratification and mobility in the united

Respond to these two-discussion board responses please use your own words no references at least 5 sentences each post

Here is the topic?

• Describe social stratification and mobility in the United States.

• Describe global stratification and inequality around the world.

• Contrast the various theoretical perspectives on social stratification.

• How does social stratification affect your life

1.Social stratification is how a system ranks people in different hierarchies. In the U.S. many people are categorized by power, wealth, and status.

The one thing good about the U.S. that is a lot better than other countries would have to be that they can start really poor and make their way up to a new beginning of power and wealth. In other countries you don't even get this kind of opportunity, you just get a certain amount to live off of.

Thomas Jefferson said, "All men are created equal", but really I don't think thats what he meant because he did write this while owning slaves and no one really said anything to him because of his power he had obtained in the U.S. Social stratification affects my life in a couple ways.

For example, wealth is a big one because this separates people by their income and how much they make, like middle class and wealthy. I have always considered my family middle class. Also, I never really see people with super expensive cars and mansions around where I live so thats another way of identifying that there really are different wealth classes.

2.Social stratification is a term sociologists use to divide people into different levels of social standings. In the United States there are four types of mobility; upward, downward, intergenerational, and structural mobility. To describe social mobility it is the ability to shift positions within a social stratification system. For example, there is upper, middle, and lower class citizens.

Global stratification compares the wealth, status, economic stability, and power of countries across the world. According to the text, during the Industrial Revolution it caused a vast of inequalities between countries that were industrialized and those that were not. Most countries are / were not as advanced as us in the United States. Technology was the biggest advance for most of us, as some maintained there ways and did not advance for more wealth. Power differences was an impacting factor that resulted in a conflict where some countries remained poor.

The two theoretical perspectives on global stratifications are modernization and dependency theory. Modernization theory, low-income countries are affected by their lack of industrialization and can improve their global economic standing through and adjustment of cultural values, industrialization, and other forms of economic growth. Dependency theory states that global inequality is caused by core nations or high income nations.

As a person who's family has been lower class up until 2016, and would have to qualify ourselves in middle class now I think that social stratification affects us because it wasn't easy working hard to be where my family and I are today. Being qualified as middle class to us, doesn't define us as people. As to where some upper class people look down upon us still because we may not be "of the right race" or wearing flashy things, and wearing expensive designer.

My parents worked hard to get to where they are today and are trying to distill those hardworking qualities into me and siblings. I firsthand see where you can start out at nothing and become something with dedication and hard work. It teaches you how to appreciate hard work.

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Other Subject: Describe social stratification and mobility in the united
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