
Describe signs and symptoms of a narcotised patient

Assignment task: Mr walker is 75 yrs male admitted to surgical ward from remote indigenous community. he has been diagnosed with bowek cancer and admitted to the hospital for bowel resection. he has N/S running mls/hr via an IVC and  morphine PCA. he is an QID obs and BGLs.

Medical history Bowel cancer, type 2 diabetic, CAD, HTN.

Mr walker is now day 2 bowel resection. At approx 730am Mr walker presses the nurse call bell. when you arrive in the room you see that Mr walker apperes drowsy.

Q1) You are required to give verbal handover of mr walker  to nurse coming on pm shift. handover your assessment and the care you have been provided based using ISBAR format.

Q2) complete nursing entry in patient's progress note based on your care you have provided mr walker.

Q3) Two indications that would make it appropriate for MET call?

Q4) three things you would check for when  observing Mr walker 's IVC site?

Q5) describe two signs and symptoms of a narcotised patient.

Q6) two signs and symptoms of a fluid overload and what medication would you administer

Q7) Mr walker IV antibiotics were commenced 10 minutes ago and he has developed a rash. what are your actions

Q8) what is CAD

Q9) What is HTN

Q10) What is bowel resection

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Other Subject: Describe signs and symptoms of a narcotised patient
Reference No:- TGS03366219

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