Review pages 4 - 14 of the School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Childrens Health Three Years after the Federal Mandate report.
Reflecting on this report and given that: ENERGY INTAKE - ENERGY EXPENDITURE = ENERGY BALANCE, where "energy intake" refers to what we eat and "energy expenditure" is defined by how much we exercise; then "energy balance" is defined as the relationship between intake and expenditure.
Write a paper (2 pages) describing challenges and opportunities teachers, health educators, health professionals, and parents in this country face in overcoming the epidemic of childhood obesity.
The following items in particular will be assessed:
1. Describe several of the reasons that childhood obesity is on the rise.
2. Identify at least 3 barriers to improving children's nutrition and physical acitvity.
3. What are the trends regarding effectiveness of school-based wellness policies?
4. What opportunities exist to improve school-based wellness policies?
You only need to write the bulk of the paper using in text citations and provide the work cited page
Double spaced
Times new roman
12 point fontHB M3 SLP
For Module 3, conduct a literature search utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles, books, professional organization Web sites and articles, etc. to help you create a program/intervention plan and outline implementation procedures for the evidence-based strategies you identified in Module 2.
Write a paper (2 pages in length) including an explanation of your plan and a workplan that shows your implementation procedures to address the health behavior.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
1. Restate your program goal and objectives. If I gave you feedback in the previous module, use that to refine your goal and objectives.
2. Your work plan should include the following components: goals, objectives, activities, data measurement tools, timeframe, responsible person, and measures of success.
3. Write one or two paragraphs summarizing your workplan and identify possible challenges or barriers you may face during implementation of your proposed program. How will you overcome these challenges? Based on your literature search, how have other programs overcome similar challenges?