
Describe seven database models and give examples of each


ScholarlyActivity Answer the following questions thoroughly, and submit in a document. Each answer must be at least 150 words in length. Cite your sources.

1. Describe seven database models, and give examples of each type.

2. Provide five examples of data you would store in a real, integer, text, logical, date, memo, and BLOB data field.

3. Using a real-world entity like a recipe file or collection of some sort that can be stored in a database, divide this information into fields and record types. Explain the steps you need to take to normalize the data.

4. Explain in your own words the differences between sorting and indexing.

5. Imagine that you must access a library card catalog using SQL. Write an SQL query that you would use to search for any books by J. J. Parsons in a table called Books, where author's names are stored in a field called Title.

6. Explain the extent to which encryption, user privileges, and audits can secure a database. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Database Management System: Describe seven database models and give examples of each
Reference No:- TGS02473197

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