
Describe scenario where you witness principal-agent dilemma

Problem 1: Describe a scenario where you have witnessed or been involved a principal-agent dilemma or conflict. Who was the principal? Who was the agent? What were the motivations of each party and how was the situation resolved? Were there mechanisms in place to minimize the effect of these conflicts? If not, what mechanisms would you recommend to ensure that the principals and agents in this situation are better aligned. If you cannot think of a situation, you have been in or witnessed, you may compose a hypothetical situation based in the Ghanaian context or borrow one from current events.

Problem 2: Ghana Honey Farms ended up becoming a successful multi-generational family business group based on the decisions we made in the simulation we conducted in class.

A. What were three of the key decisions that we made that contributed to the company's success?

B. Are there any of those decisions referred to above that you would not consider in a family business based in Ghana? Why not?

C. If you answered "no" to Part B, which of the three decisions you mentioned in Part A would be the most difficult to implement in the Ghanaian context? Why?

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Other Subject: Describe scenario where you witness principal-agent dilemma
Reference No:- TGS03314792

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