
Describe roles that free and enslaved african americans play


Free and enslaved Black Americans argued for their rights during the Revolution. This writing assignment requires you to read and analyze primary sources from the revolutionary era:

1. Phillis Wheatley's letter
2. Caesar Sarter's essay on slavery
3. Belinda Sutton's petition
4. Freedom petition

In your essay, you should: Include all parts of the prompt listed below: introduction, summarize section, analysis section, synthesize section, and conclusion. Use specific, cited, direct evidence (details, examples, and quotes) from the OpenStax textbook and the primary source documents to support your answers and bring out insightful interpretations. Meet the word count minimum of +1,000 words total. It is fine to exceed the word count. Sources: Please use your textbook and the primary sources Wheatley, Sarter, Sutton, and the freedom petitioners. Since all sources are provided, you should NOT do any outside research and you do NOT need to include a bibliography or works cited at the end of your paper. Include quotes from the OpenStax and the primary sources throughout your assignment and use in-text parenthetical citations or footnotes to clarify which source the quote comes from. Since the ebook does not have page numbers, cite the textbook section where your found the quote (OpenStax, 7.2) and indicate which primary source document you are quoting (Wheatley).

I. Introduction:

Introduce the topic of African Americans arguing for their rights during the Revolution Era. Be sure to include a thesis statement in your introduction.

II. Summarize section:

Describe the roles that free and enslaved African Americans played in the Revolutionary War. Include citations from the OpenStax textbook.

III. Analyze section:

After reading the primary source documents, analyze how each of the authors argued for their rights. Consider what strategies they used to form their positions and to make persuasive arguments.

IV. Synthesize section:

Compare and contrast all 4 articles, explaining how they are similar and how they differ.

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Business Management: Describe roles that free and enslaved african americans play
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