
Describe role in the science department



Qualitative questionnaires function as a means of collecting data about everyday life. For the Applied Research Report, questionnaire research is information gathered to determine the opinions, beliefs, or practices within a given population at a specific site to solve a problem or improve a practice. For this assignment, you will compose three to five demographic questions and ten qualitative questions. The ten questions must be open-ended and must require a detailed response. Do not ask a question that requires a yes/no response.

How to Solve the Problem of Low Scores on the Ohio Educational Assessment (OEA) for Science

The purpose of this questionnaire is to seek ways to solve the problem of low scores on the OEA for Science. This questionnaire is confidential. Complete the questionnaire using a Word document or reply to this email. This survey has 10 questions and takes approximately oneto two hours to complete. Responses should be completed within 14 days and returned to this email address or printed copies may be returned to the school secretary. Thank you for participating.

Instructions: Choose the best response for each prompt below.

1. Which category best describes your age in years?

  • 21-29
  • 30-39
  • 40-49
  • 50-59
  • or older

2. What is your race?

  • White
  •  Black/African-American
  •  Asian
  •  Native American/Pacific Islander
  •  Two or More Races
  •  Other

3. What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Prefer not to answer

Open-ended Content Questions: Please provide a detailed response to each question below.

1. Describe your role in the Science department. Include the grade and subject you teach, how long you have been teaching, and describe any leadership position you hold within the science department.

2. Describe how you incorporate the NGSS standards into the curriculum in your classroom.

3. Describe how the teachers in your grade level collaborate to plan instruction.

4. Describe how data are collected, analyzed, and used to make decisions in your classroom.

5. Explain how data are collected, analyzed, and used to make decisions in a collaborative manner in your grade level.

6. How could data collection, analysis, and use be improved?

7. How could grade level collaboration be improved?

8. Describe professional development that would be useful to improve OEA for Science scores.

9. Why do you think the scores are low?

10. How would you solve the problem of low scores on the OEA for Science?


For this assignment, you will use the information from the textbook reading this week to develop 10 effective qualitative questionnaire questions that will help to answer the central research question for your study. This is a 3 to 4-page assignment.

• The first page should be a correctly formatted (APA style) title page that includes the title of your study.

• The second page should include:

o First line should say "Appendix C"

o Second line should say, "Qualitative Questionnaire"

o Third line should include the title of your study.

• Following the title of your study should be three demographic questions related to your study. You may use ones from the example or create your own.

• Following the demographic questions should be 10 open-ended content questions related to your central research question. You may not use any of the questions from the example. Do not include support from the literature. This is the actual questionnaire that you could send to participants (you will not be required to).

• No citations or reference should be included since this is included in the Appendices of your Applied Research Report.

• See the example.

You must apply the information from the textbook reading this week to be successful on this assignment.

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Science: Describe role in the science department
Reference No:- TGS03188417

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