
Describe robert mertons theory of social strain and anomie


Part A

1. There are three independent yet overlapping branches within the social structure. perspective social disorganization theory, strain theory, and culture conflict theory. Discuss the. main focuses of each of these theories (and by 'main focuses" l mean the basic premise of. each theory, assumptions about crime causation, implications for crime' control or prevention, and any criticisms discussed), Which one do you ?nd most relevant to U.S. society now, and why do you think so?

2. Describe Robert Merton's theory of social "strain" or "anomie" as it relates to deviant/criminal behavior. Be sure to discuss the place of "conformity" in his theory. How does his theory differ from Durkheim's earlier notion of anomie? Next, based on your own experience, the experiences of someone you know, or even the experiences of notorious/famous persons, describe an individual who fits each of Merton's four (4) modes of deviant "paths" or adaptations to "strain."

Part B

1. Sociologist Robert Agnew's General Strain Theory (GST} helps identify the micro- or individual level influences of "strain.' Describe GST, and then explain how this theory differs from those of Merton-(Strain Theory), and Messeners and Rosenfeld ( Institutional Strain Theory/Relative Deprivation association).

2. Discuss what labeling theory tells us about crime, including a discussion of the concepts of primary and secondary deviance. Do you agree with the major assumptions of labeling theory? Why or why not? Have you (or has someone' you know) ever been given a negative label, and if so, did it-cause you (or that other person) some kind of "social harm"? How did you (or the person) lose the label, or did it become a permanent "marker""that still troubles you/him/her today? On the other hand, what could be an example of the everyday imposition of a POSITIVE l label (for anyone)? Why is it so hard sometimes to successfully impose a positive label on a i -person who has been previously negatively labeled?

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Other Subject: Describe robert mertons theory of social strain and anomie
Reference No:- TGS01902129

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