Describe regulatory strategies to air quality control


1. Describe regulatory strategies and tactics to air quality control.

2. Describe the following with examples where necessary:

a. Characteristics of atmospheric radiation and its impacts on earth and environment.
b. Smog and its effects on humans and welfare.

3. Answer the following three-part question:

a. Define "trespass" and "nuisance" as they apply to air pollution law. Provide examples of each.
b. What is the difference between "private" and "public" nuisance.
c. Describe, in terms of the way it is developed, the difference between common law and statute law.

4. Answer the following two-part question:

a. Name and describe one control/technology technique for each of the below pollutant emission phases: 1) particulate; 2) gaseous.

b. Briefly explain the disposal of collected material from particulate control devices and describe briefly the ideal solution to the problem of collected particulate matter disposal.

5. Please read the following statement and explain your answers thoroughly.

Mercury contamination was detected in Florida Everglades sediments by the State Environmental Department during the environmental quality assessment. The Department was puzzled about this finding because, the currently known industries in the area do not use mercury in their operations and there is no illegal dumping of medical waste containing mercury. So how did Mercury get there?

Knowing the physical and chemical nature of mercury, describe your theories on the source and origin of mercury in the Everglades sediments.

a. Do you think, it was transported across the state or interstates and deposited; if so
b. What are its sources?
c. How did it get transported and deposited?
d. What governed the transportation?
e. If it is not transported, do you think mercury occurrence could be indigenous to the Everglades, if so what is the source?

6. Visit the Web site: on Science of Climate Change. Review the following sections and answer the corresponding questions. Please note: In your answers, explain thoroughly only the main points pertinent to each question. Also, you may use the Internet to answer this question.

Past Climate Change: What has caused the Earth's climate to change throughout its history? How has it changed?
Recent Climate Change: How has the climate changed in the last 100-150 years? What has caused the changes?
Future Climate Change: How might climate change over the next 100 years and why?
State of Knowledge: What aspects of climate change do we understand best? What are the most significant uncertainties?

7. Explain the difference between criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants and how they are regulated. List all criteria pollutants and name at least 5 hazardous air pollutants.

8. Explain why most States adopt Federal standards and what States must do regarding the maintenance of National Air Quality Standards.

9. Answer all three questions below:

a. Causes and mechanism of stratospheric ozone destruction. Provide the CAA title/part or regulatory section that regulates ozone depletion substances or protect stratospheric ozone.

b. Why is nitrate deposition in estuaries an important environmental concern?

c. Describe potential or existing effects of global warming on Arctic ecosystems/wildlife.

10. Is a large petroleum refinery with great quantities of pollutant emissions and many exhaust stacks an area sourceor a point source? Explain why. Explain the differences between the two source categories.

11. Describe the following:

a. Radiative forcing and its relation to global warming.
b. What are the differences between risk assessment and risk management?

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Other Subject: Describe regulatory strategies to air quality control
Reference No:- TGS02011825

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