Describe prompt starting with defining the crime

Assignment Task:

Irac model to respond to this prompt start with defining the crime, applying the crime to this situation, and whether or not they can be charged for the crime Officers assigned uniformed crime suppression patrol one night observe Felony Frank riding a bicycle without a headlight through a residential neighborhood. As Felony Frank rode his bike passed parked cars, he jarred the door car door handle to try to locate cars that were unlocked. Officers believed Felony Frank to be a Burglary/Theft from Motor Vehicle suspect and they attempted to stop Felony Frank. Seeing the officers, Felony Frank jumped off his bicycle and fled between the houses. The officers chased after Felony Frank and as he ran down a driveway, they observed Felony Frank reach into his oversized baggy pants. A small handgun fell from Felony Frank's waistband and onto the ground. Felony Frank continued running but was blocked in by high fences at the end of the driveway. Officers caught up to Felony Frank and tackled him as he tried to scale the fence. Felony Frank was taken into custody and officers recovered a loaded handgun from the driveway. The handgun serial number had been filed off. Felony Frank was an ex-convict with a lengthy criminal history, including numerous felony convictions.

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Reference No:- TGS03373261

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