
Describe presidential power is the power to persuade


Your textbook quotes political scientist Richard Neustadt who wrote: "Presidential power is the power to persuade." The United States Constitution grants the American president very few specific powers, and the powers he or she does have are checked by the other branches. As a result, he or she needs to persuade the public to elect him or her, and then he or she needs to persuade Congress to do what he or she wants and the public to continue to support him or her. Consequently, Neustadt argues that the greatest presidents - those who accomplish the most - are the ones who rely not so much on their constitutional powers but on their powers of persuasion.

Please answer each of the following questions:

1. What do you think are the personal and/or personality skills that help make a president an effective persuader?

2. What other factors - beyond personal skills - can help (or hurt) a president when it comes to the powers of persuasion?

3. What qualities do you think help the current president when it comes to the power of persuasion? What qualities do you think hurt the current president when it comes to the power of persuasion?

Prepare at least a paragraph (5 to 6 sentences or more) to respond to the questions at hand. This is an opinionated assignment; there are no right or wrong answers. But that does not mean that your ideas should not be developed! This means that you should refer to the readings, include examples (personal or otherwise), and pay attention to spelling and grammar. Once again, please make sure you explain your ideas thoroughly and bring in examples from the lecture, readings, and current events to illustrate your points.

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