
describe prematurity in coronaw artery disease

Describe Prematurity in coronaw artery disease ?

CAD in Indians tends to be more aggressive and manifests at a younger age. Generally CAD occurring before the age of 55 years in men and 65 years in women is defined as premature CAD. Any CAD before the age of 40 years is termed as CAD in young. It indicates extensive, accelerated and aggravated atherosclerosis - the most severe form of CAD. In the Western countries incidence of young CAD is less than 5 per cent whereas in Asian Indians it is about 12-16 per cent. In a prospective study of 13 1 men, the rate of first MI was five times higher among Indian men compared to the Europeans. Further, the mean age at first MI was about five years lower for the Indian men (50.2 vs. 55.5 years). Even in India also the incidence of CAD in young is estimated to be as high as 12 per cent. It has been found that over half of myocardial infarctions (MI) occur in persons less than 55 years of age and up to 25 per cent of *MIS occur in persons less than 40 years of age.

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Biology: describe prematurity in coronaw artery disease
Reference No:- TGS0275753

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