Describe potential research ethics and compliance issues

Problem: Preventing ??Potential Ethics and Compliance Issues

In taking on a capstone project, you are accountable for ethical conduct, confidentiality, security, safety, and compliance with all capstone activities and information related to the site, preceptor, identified challenge, intervention, and outcomes. Use the expertise you gained in your CITI Research Ethics and Compliance training to consider specific, potential ethical and compliance issues that may arise in your keystone course as you prepare for your capstone. These issues can be related to confidentiality, privacy, security, applicable research ethics, compliance standards and expectations, or other related topics.

Describe three potential research ethics and compliance issues that may arise in preparing for your capstone and during your capstone practicum. Next, delineate action steps to prevent or mitigate the possibility of these issues arising.

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Other Subject: Describe potential research ethics and compliance issues
Reference No:- TGS03384168

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