
Describe possible nursing malpractice/legal incidents

Assignment task:

Circulation- Glenda is a 59-year-old woman who has presented to the emergency department (ED) with squeezing chest pain. She states it started about an hour ago when she was gardening and got better when she went inside to sit down. She said it came back when she was doing some simple cleaning in the house and, when it didn't get better, she called an ambulance. The paramedics treated her with aspirin, glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), morphine and applied a simple face mask with 10 L O2 . She now describes the pain as 2 out of 10; it started on the left side of her chest and is radiating across to the right, up to her neck and down her right arm. Glenda appears distressed, pale and sweaty. Her vital signs on arrival are: • BP - 94/54 mmHg • HR - 115 beats/minute • RR - 26 breaths/minute • T - 36.2°C • SpO2 - 89% with no supplemental oxygen. Acute myocardial infarction is suspected and you are directed to take blood tests for cardiac enzymes. Glenda has a past history of angina, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and had an acute myocardial infarction 12 months ago. Apart from a small amount of gardening she does once per week, she does not exercise. She is 160 cm tall and weighs 87 kg.

Describe two possible nursing malpractice/legal incidents on the chosen topic, include the possible causes for these malpractices and ways to prevent such incidents. Try to be as much specific to case scenario as possible!!

Based on the case scenario presented, identify major risk factors your client has for the development of the specific health problem in the scenario and any potential complications that might he/she develop as a result of this health problem.

Describe diagnostic work up for the clinical problem in the scenario (i.e. blood works, x-rays...etc.)

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Other Subject: Describe possible nursing malpractice/legal incidents
Reference No:- TGS03267200

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