Problem: Pick a hospital and find out the following information. Use the following websites for information: • American Hospital Directory • Individual Hospital Statistics for Florida • Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals, 2022 Some information you should attempt to find should include (should be available in the public domain, such as the hospital website). Instructors can generate an approximation if students are unable to discern information. How many beds does the hospital have? (The number of licensed beds is public domain information.) Is the hospital free-standing or part of a healthcare system? Approximately how many physicians have privileges in the hospital? (This information is usually in the public domain.) What specialties are covered in the hospital? (Examples of specialties include pediatrics, internal medicine, OB/GYN, and cardiology.) Does the hospital offer other services? (Services such as radiology, laboratory services, or an ED.) Discussion Questions How will you begin the initial process of planning to migrate your hospital to an EHR? What steps will you take to define your organization's strategic plan? Who are the key people associated with your implementation? What organizational infrastructure is required with respect to people in order to successfully implement an EHR? What are the steps to conduct?