
Describe patients medical condition karen has breast cancer

Assignment: Patient Medical Scenario


The purpose of this assignment is to begin developing your patient journey narrative. The first step is to define a patient and his or her medical condition. This can include information about scheduling the upcoming visit and preadmission information if you wish. Feel free to define any condition you want but it must require inpatient care. Have fun with this. Immerse yourself in your patient's case. Use a well known case of a celebrity.Use an example from your own experience if you wish. However, be aware that anything you enter into the EHR system will be visible to ALL students. Do not enter any sensitive personal information into the CPSI system. If you are not a practicing healthcare professional, you may want to do some online research on sites like https://www.webmd.com/ to get a better idea of the "disease" you have chosen for your patient. Also, I strongly encourage you to find an online medical dictionary, this will be helpful when you begin watching the interviews with the healthcare professionals. We will encounter a lot of terms and concepts this semester that may or may not be familiar to you.

Follow the template provided below to submit a patient medical scenario.The maximum length is two pages single space.Include the grading rubric at the bottom of your Word document. Upload your submission as a Word document to the Sakai system under Patient Medical Scenario.


Assignment 1:patient medical scenario
Student Name:
Student Photo:
(This can be a professional photo such as an ID badge...)

Patient Medical Scenario

Patient photo

[Note: this photo will be inserted into the patient's CPSI virtual chart.This is Karen my imaginary patient. She has breast cancer.]

Description of patient
Provide a brief overview of the patient: name, age, gender, occupation etc

Description of medical condition

Describe patient's medical condition: Karen has breast Cancer. Breast Cancer, is a disease in which normal cells within the breast begin reproducing uncontrollably pulling the body's resources away from the surrounding tissue and body...

Describe patient's medical history - appropriate for condition: Patient had a massive double mastectomy in 2009. Chemo and radiation in 2010. Breast Cancer found in bones in 2014...

Describe preadmission issues if appropriate: Karen has been to the doctor's office multiple times in the past month due to overwhelming nausea and periodic confusion.


Describe the location and means of arrival to the hospital

Arrival mode:

Walk in

By personal transportation (self, family, friend...)

By public transportation

By ambulance (van, helicopter...)

Arrival location

Emergency Department

Front desk/admission office, elective admission

Clinic connected hospital, direct admission

Trauma center connected with hospital, direct admission

Example: Patient was driven to the hospital ER by her sister per the recommendation of her regular attending physician.

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Other Subject: Describe patients medical condition karen has breast cancer
Reference No:- TGS02176076

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