
Describe overall purpose of healthcare information system


1. Based on readings, videos, and other research, describe the overall purpose of healthcare information system standards. Research one standard discussed in more detail and elaborate on who and how it was developed, how often is it updated, which systems utilize it, and anything else you found of importance. (250 words minimum)

2. Talk about briefly on this video Ten Steps to Ensuring Prescription Safety and 05 RIS and PACS (150 words minimum)

3 Talk about HIPAA Privacy and Security. (150 words minimum)

Use references:

ONC's Interoperability Roadmap: Roadmap-Executive Summary-100115-4pm.pdf

Promoting Standards through Partnerships

ONC's Guide to Privacy and Security of Electronic Health Information: privacy-and-security-guide.pdf

HIPAA Basics: https://www.healthit.gov/topic/privacy-security-and-hipaa/hipaa-basics

Electronic Health Records: Privacy and Security (HIPAA)

What's required for HIPAA training compliance? (HIPAA)

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Biology: Describe overall purpose of healthcare information system
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