Describe one of these elements of storytelling

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Write a two-minute-long script with a minimum of two characters. The rule-of-thumb is a page and half page of dialogue will last about two minutes. Write about what you know or about anything you imagine. The subject, period, place, and language are totally up to you. It is not a film, show don't tell, the actors should speak and perform the actions. It is best to keep the cast small and the location(s) simple with a minimum of stage direction. You will be collaborating with your classmates on how to produce your work as you will work with them on their scripts in a support capacity, such as director, scenic designer, sound designer, costume designer, composer, sound designer, etc.

In a play or film of your choosing, describe one of these elements of storytelling (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, resolution)?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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English: Describe one of these elements of storytelling
Reference No:- TGS03175567

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