
Describe one of the major biomes found on earth


Answer two of the following:

1) Choose a wild animal and discuss its basic habitat and its role in this ecosystem or set of ecosystems. What is its current status relative to conservation concerns? What constitutes its primary food source?

2) Describe one of the major biomes found on earth. Include a discussion of its primary physical and biological attributes.

3) Compare and contrast two of the types of soil profiles discussed during the class.

4) Discuss von Humbolt's observation that the different biomes seen as one goes from the equator to the poles are also found with altitude in mountain systems. Why does this vary depending on which side of the mountain range is considered? Provide some examples.

5) Consider the following population equations.

dP/dt= r P{1-P/K+ α M/K^' }

dM/dt= δ M P- μM

Compute the steady states and discuss them. What type of system is this?

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Science: Describe one of the major biomes found on earth
Reference No:- TGS02040618

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