
Describe one aspect of which you are particularly proud and

Unit VI Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to think critically and reflect on your own gifts, talents, passions, and core values as they could, or do, contribute to your vocation of choice.

One of the reasons for participating in this exercise is for you to determine how important it is that your vocation (occupation) supports or contributes to your core values and passions in life.

No matter where you are in your career, it is always important to regularly ask questions and assess how your choice of vocation matches or aligns with your life's gifts, talents, passions, and core values.

Be sure to take some time to think about this and organize your thoughts before writing a 500-word essay that answers each of the following questions:

• What is a brief explanation for your vocation of choice?

• How do your passions align with your vocation of choice?

• How do your current gifts and talents align with your vocation of choice?

• How does your spirituality or core principles align with your vocation of choice?

Please do not use any sources to help write your essay. Since this essay is about you, we would like all of the details to come from you and your thoughts.

Unit VII Homework

This assignment will be a personal reflection journal; you must include your reaction to the unit content (social wellness) and how the unit content relates, affects, and applies to you. Address the following question: How does social wellness relate, affect, and apply to your professional and personal life?

You may include the following items in your reflection journal:

• your reaction to the class discussions, lessons, learning activities, and related readings;

• how the content relates, affects, and applies to you;

• questions about the class discussions, lessons, learning activities, and related readings;

• relevance of the class discussions, lessons, learning activities, and related readings to something you have read or experienced;

• ideas with which you agreed or disagreed; and

• personal feelings that relate to the topics discussed in this unit.

o Please do NOT summarize or tell what was covered in the unit. The assignment should contain your reactions and application of the information.

o Please do not write what you think the professor wants to hear. Instead, tell your honest thoughts and reactions (in a respectful and appropriate manner).

o Reflections should be about one page, typed, which is approximately 300 words.

Unit VIII Course Project Wellness Profile

When you evaluated (rated/assessed) each of the seven dimensions of wellness in the Unit II Homework, you asked yourself, On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how do I feel about..." For each of the seven dimensions, you assigned yourself a score (or you need to now). Access the "Seven Dimensions of Wellness" document for your review.

You are now going to use that score/evaluation to discuss the "big picture of you." Feel free to be as creative as you like.

Discuss the following components for EACH of the seven dimensions of wellness:

1. Indicate your score and describe what led you to that decision.

2. What was your specific goal from the Unit II Homework? Is it a realistic and achievable goal? Have you started working on your goal yet? If yes, are you making progress? If no, why not?

3. Describe one aspect of which you are particularly proud, and something that you would like to improve about yourself. (Use examples if possible.)

4. Provide a concluding paragraph at the end of your assignment. Summarize/reflect how you think you are doing overall, considering all seven dimensions of wellness.

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Operation Management: Describe one aspect of which you are particularly proud and
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