Assignment task:
Reply for the following Discussion, more than 200 words and Turnitin less than 20 % at least 2 References. APA format.
Nursing theories are philosophical constructs that attempt to explain, describe, or predict phenomena that occur during nursing care by serving as guides in clinical practice, education, and nursing research (Im, 2021). According to the philosophical level of abstraction, the body of nursing theories is composed of the metaparadigms of nursing (least specific level), grand theories, middle-range theories, and practice theories (highest level of specificity) (Im, 2021). Grand theories of nursing address global aspects of the nursing universe, examples of these theories include: General Systems Theory by Imogene King, Conservation Model by Myra Estrine Levine, Nursing Process Theory by Ida Jean Orlando, Theory of Human Becoming by Rosemarie Rizzo Parse, Adaptation Model by Sister Callista Roy, Emancipated Decision Making in Health Care by Wittman-Price, Self-Care Theory by Dorothea Orem (Im, 2021). The development of the grand theories of nursing was a momentous step in the development of nursing and the attainment of an identity (Im, 2021). They were initially used as theoretical frameworks in clinical practice and research; however, their high level of abstraction limited their applicability (Im, 2021). Many of these theories are now considered obsolete because they are very abstract and their adaptation to specific clinical crossroads is not very useful (Im, 2021). In the research branch, the grand theories have lost steam as well, especially in a modern research field more focused on evidence (Im, 2021). Midrange theories have taken over the role those grand theories once played as more specific and more detailed philosophical constructs about nursing phenomena, and clinicians and researchers find midrange theories to be a more accurate guide to decision-making (Wijaya et al., 2022). Although grand theories of nursing are considered obsolete in current practice, they were a milestone in the development of nursing as a scientific discipline with its own identity. Need Assignment Help?