Describe nature vs nurture issue regarding human development

Assignment task:

There are several main issues in human development that are subject to controversy. Some researchers maintain for example, that nature plays a stronger role in human development than does nurture and vice versa. In responding to the following prompt, cite the page numbers from the text that you found your answers on.

Describe the nature vs nurture issue regarding human development and be sure to provide at least two brief examples from the text supporting genetics playing a larger role and two examples supporting the environment playing a larger role in human development. An example of nature over nurture could be found in a study that indicated environmental factors had more weight in contributing to alcoholism than genetic factors.

In your own words, describe at least two major points from two of the theories of human development discussed in the text (i.e., Kohlberg, Gilligan, Piaget, Vygotsky, Freud, Erikson, Skinner, Pavlov, Bandura). Indicate whether each of these theories pays more attention to nature or nurture and why. Cite the page numbers from the textbook where you drew your information from.

 To answer questions, click on reply at the bottom of the page. It is best practice to write your response in a word processing program like Word and copy and paste it into the reply text box. All responses should be substantial. Class discussion of the chapters assigned for each week in the Discussion Board is a significant component of this course. The class, as a learning community, relies on this asynchronous communication to engage in collective and individual knowledge construction. For each Canvas Discussion Board Assignment, all students should respond at least twice weekly to the discussion board in addition to your response to the main thread questions.

Please copy all the questions for the week, answer them, and paste your responses into the discussion board.

In addition to your response to the main thread questions, please respond substantially at least twice for the week in addition to your main thread posting to at least two classmates in your responses. All responses will be made on the discussion board.

Spelling and grammar will be factored into your grade.

The instructor will provide you with feedback either by posting in the discussion forum or in the comments section in the gradebook.

Substantive postings are those that respond to a question in a way that clearly supports a position, offers a contrasting or divergent point of view, begins a new topic, clarifies a point already made, or adds to the existing discussion by critically reflecting on what's been said or moves the discussion in another direction. Agreeing with someone else is not a substantive posting.

Students need to first post a response to all of the questions from the main stem, then post in response to other students' postings. Note: Given this is a fully online course, discussion board activity is vital to the class flow. Students are expected to post discussion board threads and responses by the due dates listed on this syllabus. Each Discussion Board Forum will close on the deadline listed.

Do not submit as attachments, just submit responses.

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Other Subject: Describe nature vs nurture issue regarding human development
Reference No:- TGS03428527

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