
Describe - much of the bible includes the stories of people

Assignment task:

Much of the Bible includes the stories of people-but how do we understand them and learn from their experiment in living? This assignment will help you walk through the process of getting to know a biblical character and interpreting the value of their story for our present stories. Write a well-researched first person narrative on one of the following Bible characters. Women: Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Deborah, Hannah, Ruth, Naomi, Bathsheba, Esther, Mary (mother of Jesus), Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene, Mary (Martha's sister), Martha. Men: Adam, Abel, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Samson, Naaman, Samuel, John, Paul, Pilate, Herod the Great, one of the disciples, one of the kings, one of the prophets. The narrative will be 5 pages in length (not counting the Title Page and References/Bibliography/Works Cited Page), and will be based primarily on the biblical text. Creativity is encouraged. Thus, the narrative will contain, but is not limited to: a) historical background (important people and dates), b) geographical insight (map), and c) archaeological data. The narrative will not be a mere retelling of the biblical story. For research purposes, at least 5 sources should be used (books, articles from theological journals/dictionaries, etc...). You must cite your sources throughout your paper


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Other Subject: Describe - much of the bible includes the stories of people
Reference No:- TGS03420614

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