A. Analyze the following commonly used models for program planning and evaluation:
MAPP Model
Review each model in its entirety and consider the individual strategies, methods, and techniques that each model uses to influence behavior change. What are some of the key differences between the models? What are the similarities?
B. Building on the Logic Model that you created in Week 1, this assignment challenges you to expand on that work, and design a planning model for a health education program. Using the following phases of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model as a framework, design your model to address a current health issue in a school, community, or workplace setting. Use your creativity and personal knowledge to design the model, but be sure to include the components below:
Phase 1 - Social assessment
Phase 2 - Epidemiological assessment
Phase 3 - Educational & ecological assessment
Phase 4 - Administrative & policy assessment and intervention alignment
Phase 5 - Implementation
Phase 6 - Process evaluation
Phase 7 - Impact Evaluation
Phase 8 - Outcome evaluation
Attachment:- How to implement the program.rar