
Describe michael porters model and its components


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Assignment covers the content in Michael Porter's Competitive Advantage. In this assignment you must pick an article from the Harvard Business Review websitethat deals with strategic management of a company. The HBR article MUST be related to the strategic management of a company. A number of these articles are listed in your syllabus.

Q1. Describe Michael Porter's model and its components. Pick an industry and describe how the different components of the model relate to the industry.

Q2. Apply all components of Porter's model to your HBR case, as a case review. Your response here must be at least a page and will likely be more.

Writing requirements:

Include the articles below. If possible write from those, if not choose anything that related to the with strategic management of a company.


Harvard Business Review/Cases

Paul W. Beamish. Currie Road Construction Limited. Harvard Business Review. 2014.

Rosi Ji; Thorsten Knauer; Momo Schafer; Friedrich Sommer; Jil Wehlmann. EADS/Airbus: Vision 2020. Harvard Business Review. 2014.

Hounaida A El Jurdi; Nadine A Yehya. AUB Medical Center: Achieving 2020 Vision. Harvard Business Review. 2014.

Michael N. Young; Donald Liu. Hong Kong Disneyland. Harvard Business Review. 2014.

Mridula Anand; Anand Nandkumar; Charles Dhanaraj. Embrace (A): Opportunity Identification. Harvard Business Review. 2013.

Mridula Anand; Anand Nandkumar; Charles Dhanaraj. Embrace (B): Opportunity Assessment. Harvard Business Review. 2013.

Mridula Anand; Anand Nandkumar; Charles Dhanaraj. Embrace (D): Building the Business Model. Harvard Business Review. 2013.

Abdulrahman Y. Al-Aali and David J. Teece. Towards the Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: Retrospective and Prospective. Harvard Business Review. 2013.

William W. Fisher III and Felix Oberholzer-Gee. Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: An Integrated Approach. Harvard Business Review. 2013.

James G. Conley, Peter M. Ernst & Holger Ernst. Value Articulation: A Framework for Strategic Management of Intellectual Property. Harvard Business Review. 2013.

Kim Warren. Building Strategy and Performance Through Time: 5: Building and Managing the Strategic Architecture. Harvard Business Review. 2012.

Alina Dulipovici and Ann-Frances Cameron. We Gave them the Tool, But Hardly Anyone's Using it! Untangling the Knowledge Management

Dilemma at TPA. Harvard Business Review. 2012.

Russell Walker and Joanna Wilson. Nokia's Supply Chain Management. Harvard Business Review. 2012.

W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne and Oh Young Koo. How Apple's Corporate Strategy Drives Growth? Harvard Business Review. 2012.

Martin Lockstrom, Thomas Callarman and Shengrong Zhang. Strategic Sourcing at Whirlpool China: Finding the Ideal Supplier. Harvard Business Review. 2012.

Boris Groysberg and Sarah L. Abbott. A.P. Moller-Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives. Harvard Business

Review. 2012.

Larry Yuspeh. Linking Process and Strategic Risks for Effective Risk Management. Harvard Business Review. 2012.

Gerry Johnson, George s. Yip and Manuel Hensmans. Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation. Harvard Business Review. 2012.

Mary M. Crossan. Strategic Analysis and Action. Harvard Business Review. 2011.

Juli Wulf. Corporate Strategy at Berkshire Partners. Harvard Business Review. 2010

Stanford. Highbridge Capital Management: Building A Sustainable Organization. Harvard Kennedy School of Business. 2010

Arnold Iranka. Executing Strategic Change. Harvard Business Review. 2009.

William E. Gillis. Franchiser Strategy and Firm Performance: Making the Most of Strategic Resources. Kelly School of Business. 2009.

Bo Bemhard. Ecco A/S-Global Value Chain Management. Ivey. 2008.

Robert A. Burgelman. HP's ProCurve in 2009. Stanford Graduate School of Business. 2009

Yves Doz. The Dynamic of Strategic Agility. Hass School of Business, University of California at Berkley. 2008.

Xuelt Huang. Strategic Management at Zhujiang Iron and Steel Company. Asian Case Research Center. The University of Hong Kong. 2007.

Yu Chen. Strategic Performance Measurement of Supplier at HTC. Asian Case Research Center. The University of Hong Kong. 2008.

Wendy Garling. Instilling a Strategy Management Culture at St. Vincent Catholic Medical Center. Harvard Business Review. 2010.

David Norton. The Office of Strategy Management. The State of the Art, 2011. Harvard Busniess Review. 2011.

Atanu Adhlkart. UTV and Disney: A Strategic Alliance. Ivey. 2010.

Robert W. Keldel. WAWA: Supply Change Management. Harvard Business Review. 2011.

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