
Describe methods of data collection



Paper One is designed to apply principles and procedures covered in Chapters Three and Four and to align primarily with the following course learning objectives:

• demonstrate understanding of the inductive process of most qualitative approaches
• describe methods of data collection
• interpretation strategies linked to specific qualitative approaches


There are three sections to Paper One:

I. Content Analysisxdcccc table
II. Description of Procedures
III. Conclusions and Findings)

I. Content Analysis Table

Select an appropriate focus or data set to develop a simple content analysis, and set up an Excel (or similar) spreadsheet to facilitate your analysis. Determine how you will approach coding of your data. (See Chapter Three, especially Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3). Be sure to keep notes as to your thinking process in selecting your focus, your procedures in setting up your spreadsheet, and your processes in doing at least three dimensions of coding (initial coding, focused coding, theoretical coding) or providing a rationale as to any unique approach you develop.

Develop your spreadsheet to the point where you have completed some level of focused coding. The spreadsheet will be an Appendix to your paper.

II. Description of Procedures

Review Chapter Three material on "Memo-Writing" and develop memos that conform to that discussion.

In this part of the paper, first describe your choices and procedures, applying material in Chapters Three and Four to provide a rationale for your choices. What was your "hunch" or interest in this material? What relevance does this material have to Communication strategies, practices, questions?

Next, provide a section entitled, "Early Memo" followed by a section entitled, Focused Coding Memo.

III Conclusions and Findings

The final section of your paper should draw primarily on Chapter Four material. First, remind your reader what you CN Studies focus, question, or hunch was. Then summarize the content / categories of your spreadsheet. Which categories appear to be the most important and why? Provide some details. In terms of grounded theory, what do you think your content analysis may be demonstrating. Finally, describe a possible continuation of this study, telling how the research could be developed further, what your research focus or question for that would be, and what next steps are indicate

Format and Content Requirements

Use report format for the body of the paper.

Use APA style for internal citations and the bibliography

Rely strongly upon chapter concepts and theories to support your decisions, insights, and conclusions.

• Put course concepts you apply in bold-face type
• Quote and provide correct internal citations from authorities

Review "Academic Writing Rubric" (Assignments folder) for other details of content development

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