Assignment task: Please provide a detailed response for the following questions.
1. Think about the terms Base and Super Structure as they apply to Marx and Weber. What does each person say is the "base" of society? What are some examples of superstructure? How do these two parts of the social world interact according to Marx, and according to Weber? As a part of your answer include how each views Religion. Be specific about the points of unity and divergence between these two thinkers.
2. Marx is called a dialectical materialist, why? Describe the dialectical process as envisioned by Hegel. How and why did Marx change this? What do think Hegel's response to Marx might be?
3. Describe Marx's life briefly. Explain how his personal history might relate to his ideas of Alienation? What is alienation and ultimately leads to alienation for Marx. What does this have to do with his ideas of our "true nature?" Can we avoid alienation? If so what must happen? If not... why not?
4. How did Weber see legitimacy as it applies to leadership. What legitimates authority? What are the types of authority? Can you shift from one type of legitimate authority to another? How might this occur?