
Describe machiavellis ideal kind of state and kind of ruler


Instructions: Observe the interconnectivity of the questions. Provide examples and applications to better explain your ideas. Summarize the thought and integrate your own ideas and opinions about such a topic.

A. Discuss the main tenets of Political Liberalism. How is it different from Economic Liberalism? Elaborate John Stuart Mill's discussion on Liberty and John Rawl's discussion on Justice. What are their main propositions? What are its implications to the role of the state and individual in society?

B. Describe the Machiavellian view of Politics. Discuss Machiavelli's assertion for Moral relativity and political power. Describe Machiavelli's ideal kind of state and kind of ruler/leader.

C. Confucian ethics may be viewed as criticism of situation ethics. This is because it seems fairly clear that in cases where there is conflict between agape and filial love, most if not everyone would choose the latter of the former. Do you think that the Confucian view is a proof that situation ethics is false?

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Reference No:- TGS03291270

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