
Describe lululemons culture


lululemon Video Case

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lululemon is a Canadian company that specializes in high-end athletic apparel. As you play through the multimedia case, pay close attention to their vision, culture, and leadership.

Option 1

• Describe lululemon's culture, including how it originated. What are the benefits and costs of having a strong culture, like lululemon's? What elements of this culture would you like to see at your company and why?

Option 2

• What is the relationship between lululemon's culture and its mission and vision? Define their core values and how they tie into the culture of the organization. What leadership qualities did you see that help support the culture of lululemon?

Choose ONE of the following discussion question options to respond to:

Does Twitter Have a Strategy?

• Why is a good strategy so important, especially at high-tech startups like Twitter? Why is crafting a good strategy at Twitter so difficult? What are some of the pitfalls that a CEO of a company such as Twitter needs to watch out for when crafting and implementing a strategy?

Your "A-ha" Moment

• Start thinking about your strategy for the final assignment and what that might look like. What has been your "A-ha" moment thus far?

Brainstorm your winning move.


• Rothaermel: What is Strategy?

• Martin, "The Big Lie of Strategic Planning"

• Mainer, "Case of the Stymied Strategist"

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Business Management: Describe lululemons culture
Reference No:- TGS01866013

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